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Sponsor Profile: Oro Equestrian

Sponsor Profile: Oro Equestrian

Our naming sponsor and class 525 Advance Medium 5c, class 911 FEI Inter II, Class 21 DNZ 4yr Young Dressage Horse 1, Class 22 DNZ 5yr Young Horse Round 1, Class 23 DNZ 6yr Young Horse Round 1

ORO Equestrian is a passion-driven endeavour, spearheaded by a Clare & Brendon deeply committed to the equestrian sports. Clare is driven by a profound love for horses and the art of dressage. Our journey began with a simple realization: the bond between rider and horse is truly extraordinary, and we wanted to contribute to enhancing that connection.

Dressage, for us, embodies the epitome of harmony and partnership between human and horse. The pursuit of perfection in every movement, the unspoken communication, and the elegance of the discipline continuously excite and inspire us. Witnessing the beauty of a perfectly executed dressage test is a testament to the dedication and hard work put in by both rider and horse.

Our passion goes beyond mere business. We invest in equestrian sports through rider sponsorships and shows because we believe in nurturing the talents of riders who share our dedication. Supporting these individuals on their journey to success.

At ORO Equestrian, we are honoured to be the exclusive distributors for renowned equestrian brands such as ANKY, BR, Equine LTS, and Petrie Riding Boots. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond these exclusive partnerships; we also stock an extensive range of supplements from Elite Equine and top-quality grooming products from NAF UK, among other exceptional offerings. When you choose ORO Equestrian, you choose excellence, innovation, and a commitment to the well-being of both rider and horse.

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